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Tag Archives: Africa

It’s late Sunday/early Monday. I got a second-wind and I can’t sleep. So of course I read. Recently somebody told me I seemed very focused and passionate about HELP. They asked why, my response was quite simple. 

1. I saw a need. When I was in Zimbabwe I met a Pastor. His name was John, he had an amazing wife. He leads a church and two orphanages in a country that has collapsed. He treated us like we were royalty. He kept telling me how blessed he was to have us visit his home and share his vision. That night I slept under a mosquito net for the first time in my life. Over 1 million kids will die this year in Africa because they don’t have a $10 net to sleep. That is just not right. 

The next day P. John gave us a tour of the orphanages. The hugs, smiles and conversations were contagious. Then P. John told me a story; he pointed to a field and reminded me that hundreds of kids sleep in that field. They have no parents, eighth-year-olds care for their younger siblings, no shelter, no food and no hope. 

Needless to say my heart was crushed. How could I ignore such a tragedy? What was I thinking?

2. Here is what I learned in Zimbabwe. The heart of God is angry at the injustice of the world. Something is simply not right. The church can do something amazing, we can bring life, hope, clothing, shelter, food and drink. We can laugh, hug, smile and encourage. We can feed an orphan, love a family and bring joy to God. 

When Christians love, serve, give and go…In the name of Jesus, it brings joy to the heart of God. 

My prayer this past year…”God make me angry and in my anger cause me to act.” 

This is not about me…it’s about an orphan in Zimbabwe and a God in heaven.


  • Vista was very unique today. I felt like I was a different church. Let’s just say it was mellow.
  • Props to the band for dealing with a last-second change. Those guys work hard.
  • Leaders truly set the tone for Sunday morning. It’s vital for us to be focused and organized. I need to do better.
  • I think Vista is dealing with a deep spiritual battle at the moment-it’s time to fast & pray.
  • I need focus a bit more this week. I feel scatter-brained.
  • I’m still hoping to make it to San Diego for the Total Church Conf. We shall see.
  • Here is my dream of a church.. Amazing Sunday, Missional Communities across the cities and Global Impact. That’s it.
  • Pastors must teach people to feed themselves. Anything other then this is worthless.
  • Some Christians are still mad at me. My friend told me to learn how to deal with it, I think he’s right.
  • Friday I was up all night thinking about sin and brokenness. Our world needs the gospel.
  • I really want to finish my education. I just don’t feel like I have any ability to focus.
  • I’ve had multiple people tell me to write a book lately. These are people I love and respect. Thank God for editors.
  • When I write-Information comes quicker then I can type. I hate editing. Therefore I tend to write sloppy. I need to fix that.
  • I can’t wait for August to be over. I hate this month.
  • I promise next year I will spend a LOT of time in Cape Town and Alaska/Seattle. I mean it. Can’t deal with Austin summers.
  • I miss Africa. Can’t wait to return. I hope Cape Town can become a sort of “second city” for me and my family.
  • My daughters are amazing. I love them so deeply. Not sure I communicate to them how much I care. There is no “one-word” to define the depth.

Hope you’ve had a good week. Thanks for reading Simply Missional. BTW-This weeks posts are going to be great.

So I just got back from a meeting to plan our trip to Africa this Nov. We started to discuss the kids in Zimbabwe…We all got a bit choked up…Trying to hold back tears as we ate pizza and drank Shiner Black. Priceless moment-those kids deserve a chance in life…We want to fight for them.

Steven & Kayla both blogged about this…ServLife Sponsorships Available for Zimbabwe Children are available via Servlife. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go there now and adopt a kid and save a life. 

Soon we hope HELP can also have this service available. But maybe that will be for the Red Hill kids? 

I can’t tell you how much this will impact the orphanage and Kingdom.

Scotty just sent me these pics: Xenophobia in South Africa – The Big Picture –

WARNING: These are some of most horrific pictures you will see.

Amazing pics that shows the current turmoil. The crisis in Zimbabwe is spilling over to S. Africa which creates massive tension and then chaos comes to the forefront and really sad things happen.

But let me say this: There is so much to be hopeful for. It’s hard in the West to see the good that is going on. Please keep that in mind. That being said, please do something to help. Support a local church, pray for the leaders and the country, donate to various organizations that are on the ground like Servlife & Steven & Amy who live in Cape Town and serve S. Africa, Zimbabwe and Sudan.

I think God calls the church to go to the darkest places of the world…So the gospel can explode and hope can come and life can be redeemed.

Following the Zimbabwe election has been quite stressful. It’s sad to see a country suffer because of poor leadership. I think of the 64 orphans or Pastor John and his family. They suffer for reasons that make no sense. But that seems to be the struggles of Africa. A few get rich while the majority live in poverty.

I’ve been praying that God would work deeply in Zimbabwe. Bring hope to the people, give them a future and the day-to-day necessities to live and enjoy life.

I’m also praying that God would save or eradicate Mr. Mugabe. Feel free to pray also.

Zimbabwe Government is now unleashing it’s fury on women in local Church’s. You can read the story here.

While being attacked, the women started to worship:

“We will keep worshiping no matter the trials!” Hundreds of women, many dressed in the Anglican Mothers’ Union uniform of black skirt, white shirt and blue headdress, lifted their voices to join hers.”

I hope life gets better in Zimbabwe soon. I hope to take a trip there in the next 6 months. 

Officials: Zimbabwe rivals face runoff –

Zimbabwe’s religious leaders called for international help. “People are being abducted, tortured, humiliated by being asked to repeat slogans of the political party they are alleged not to support,” according to a statement from a coalition of Christian churches in Zimbabwe released two weeks ago. “In some cases, people are murdered.”

Please continue to pray for Zimbabwe. I think Steven is there now, or going soon? So maybe we will get an update on the orphanage and our P. John and Orpah. I pray they are doing well.


* Malaria kills more than a million people per year; 90 percent of those who die are African children.
* Every 30 seconds in Africa a child dies of malaria.
* Malaria incapacitates people, keeping countries poor. In addition to the health burden, malaria illness and death cost Africa about $12 billion per year.

Info from Nothing But Nets.


Last November I slept under a bed-net while in Zimbabwe. It felt so good to know I was protected under this net as mosquito’s swarmed around me.

Today many children in Africa do not have this luxury. It take $10 to purchase a net that could save lives. If you look at the stats above…You will understand the importance of spreading the news.

You can get involved by clicking the link below:

$10 to Prevent Malaria

Steven just reminded me that today is International Day Of Prayer for Zimbabwe. Please say a prayer for peace adn unity so Zimbabwe can truly experience freedom.